The Positive Application of Human Instinct

The Positive Application of Human Instinct is a set of psychological principles and tools oriented towards improving the outcome for communities and nations in times of crisis. Its thesis unifies the objective findings of anthropology and social sciences to counter fascism with a modernized application of group / crowd psychology, and a cultural code.

Why is this Needed?

A 2015 study which compiled data on nearly 100 financial crises since 1870, found that in the wake of such events xenophobic and fascistic movements were consistently dominant. Tracing the results of more than 800 general elections, in 20 advanced economies, over the last 140 years, they observed that on average, parties which focused blame on minorities or foreigners increased their vote share by 30% as economic hardship set in.

The only way to counter the rise of fascism in times of crisis is to work with human instinct in a healthier way. When fear and uncertainty prevail humans always gravitate towards strong leaders and groups that provide a strong sense of purpose and identity. If those working towards a positive future fail to account for these realities they will be trampled by those who do.

Instinctual Psychology as an Applied Science

Our species — Homo Sapiens Sapiens — is a social animal. Tribes and nation states are human analogues of the pack. Like wolves, lions and apes our behavior is heavily influenced by the authority, conformity and reciprocity instincts. Human societies can only be fully understood (or changed) in the context of these forces. MORE ›

The Science of Social Structure

Contrary to popular belief the vertical socioeconomic model currently employed by the vast majority of modern governments, businesses and organizations didn’t spread to every corner of the globe because it improved peoples lives. Nor is this system as stable as the model it replaced. Rather than reinventing the wheel we can borrow from an ancient alternative that has been tested and proven. MORE ›

Culture as Code

Whether consciously or subconsciously, psychologically unified groups always develop a cultural norms which defines what it means to be “one of us”. This code may include ideological tenets, duties, forbidden practices etc… Tampering with this code is dangerous, but sometimes absolutely necessary. MORE ›

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